
Articles under category: Theories.

Design elearning to retain learner’s attention

One of the elements of AGES model of learning, attention is a very important part of the learning process. Develop your elearning module in a way that can get and retain the attention of learners.

[ No Comments ] Posted by Greten on 20 Aug 2019 under Theories

Brain diagram

Applying learning breaks in elearning

Ample time for learning activities such as studying the elearning materials is essential to acquire new knowledge and skills. On the other hand, an adequate amount of time when no learning activity is done is just as important to provide rest for the brain and to allow the new knowledge to settle.

[ No Comments ] Posted by Greten on 03 Aug 2019 under Theories, Tips

A silhouette of a head, neck and nose, with white spots for eyes, three white cogs for brain, and a rewind key at the back of the head. This image is a representation of the need to take learning breaks.

Four stages of learning skills

There are four stages of learning new skills: unconsciously unskilled, consciously unskilled, consciously skilled, and unconsciously skilled. You can develop your training and elearning to optimize the transition from one stage to the next.

[ No Comments ] Posted by Greten on 22 Jun 2019 under Theories

A useful mnemonic of the stages of learning skills. It's a table with four cells. The two headers are unconscious (left) and conscious right. The rows are labeled as skilled (top) and unskilled (bottom). A circular arrow goes counterclockwise passing through the bottom left cell, bottom right cell, top right cell, and top left cell.

Learning modalities in elearning

Develop your elearning lessons to include different learning modalities, not because students learn in different ways, but because presenting the same lesson in different ways reinforces learning and helps in better knowledge retrieval.

[ No Comments ] Posted by Greten on 05 Jun 2019 under Theories

Light bulb with brain surrounded by ear, eye, and hand

How the brain stores learning and how you can use it in instructional design?

The brain stores information in a network of interconnected pieces. Knowledge that are deep in your memory can be easily accessed if it has more connection to those pieces of knowledge that are on the surface, or those that you can retrieve easily. A lesson or an elearning module can be more effective if the new lesson is immediately connected to the learner’s existing knowledge or experience.

[ No Comments ] Posted by Greten on 20 Apr 2019 under Theories

A brain-shaped cluster of interconnected nodes. Each node is a blue circle and most of the nodes are connected to others that are adjacent to it.

AGES model of effective learning

The AGES model: attention, generation, emotion, and spacing, explains how the brain process learning and can provide us with some tips on how to best design an elearning material.

[ No Comments ] Posted by Greten on 09 Dec 2018 under Theories

Simple graphics of an eye, a nerve cell, a heart, and a clock.

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Instructional design and educational technology for effective learning